AIDA's newsletter n.6 / December 2020


Season's Greeting 2020

AIDA in 3 minutes!

In these two years of AIDA project many results have been obtained. In particular the two instruments AIDApy and AIDAdb are now both public. A short video to present our work.


AIDA partners showed the advancements of the project in many events online, here some of the main conferences:

Switch to Space (September 4th)

The sun in a microchip: understanding the Sun and its impact on the Earth using computer modelling (Giovanni Lapenta)

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (26-31 October)

Inside the Topical Sessions:

Mapping Turbulence and its consequences around a reconnection region (Giovanni Lapenta)


Interplay between Kelvin-Helmholtz and kinetic instabilities along the interface between the solar wind and Mercury’s magnetosphere (Jérémy Dargent, Federico Lavorenti, Francesco Califano, Pierre Henri, Francesco Pucci, Silvio S. Cerri)

Hermean Environment Working group (November 24th)

Interplay between Kelvin-Helmholtz and kinetic instabilities along the magnetopause of Mercury (Jérémy Dargent, Federico Lavorenti, Francesco Califano, Pierre Henri, Francesco Pucci, Silvio S. Cerri)

SC20 (17-19 November)

During the last international SC20 online event, AIDA was inside the CINECA's booth dedicated page.

AGU20 fall meeting (1-17 December)

AIDA: a project for using machine learning to extract space science information from big data generated by observations and simulations (Giovanni Lapenta)

Visualization and Interpretation of Unsupervised Solar Wind Classifications (Jorge Amaya, Romain Dupuis, Maria Elena Innocenti, Giovanni Lapenta)


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The AIDA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 776262.